About Region II
Region II Human Services is the Behavioral Health Authority for 17 counties in West Central Nebraska. We are a direct provider of services and we contract with private agencies for mental health and substance use disorder services. Counties we serve include: Arthur, Chase, Dawson, Dundy, Frontier, Gosper, Grant, Hayes, Hitchcock, Hooker, Keith, Lincoln, Logan, McPherson, Perkins, Red Willow, and Thomas.
Region II Human Services is funded by state, federal and county dollars. We are a political subdivision created through an interlocal agreement. We are governed by a regional governing board made up of a county commissioner from each county served. In addition we have an Advisory Committee appointed by the Governing Board.
Our role in the provision of behavioral health services is described in Statute with the passage of LB 1083. Regions were created back in the early 1970’s but LB 1083 is the most current guiding document. There are 6 Behavioral Health Regions in Nebraska. Regions are responsible for coordinating, creating, planning and delivering behavioral health services.
CARF International accreditation demonstrates a program’s quality, transparency, and commitment to the satisfaction of the persons served. CARF International is an independent, nonprofit accreditor of Health and Human Services. Toll free (888) 281-6351.
Since 1997, Region II Human Services has received the maximum Three-Year Accreditation by CARF International. Accreditation demonstrates that Region II Human Services is committed to enhancing its performance, managing its risk, and distinguishing its service delivery. For additional information about CARF or the accreditation process, visit www.carf.org.
Coordination Responsibilities
- Network management Plan, develop, and maintain an array of Behavioral Health Services that meet the needs of persons in the Region.
- Youth Systems Coordination Work with agencies who serve youth to develop a continuum of care including emphasis on youth in transition to adult services.
- Emergency System Coordination staff a 24 hour crisis line for persons in a behavioral health emergency. Respond to calls from law enforcement, hospitals and others who serve persons in crisis. Coordinate and provide access to transportation, medication, and other services needed to prevent hospitalization or Emergency Protective Custody. Facilitate assessments for individuals who are in crisis. Coordinate care placement and care for individuals being discharged from acute or sub-acute care.
- Consumer Specialists
- Prevention – Coordinate prevention services and coalitions throughout the region
- Housing – Coordinate the housing assistance program.
Services Provided Directly
- Outpatient mental health
- Outpatient substance use disorder
- Urgent outpatient
- Community support mental health
- Community support substance use disorder
- Youth care Coordination
- Prevention
- Emergency Community Support
- Medication Management
- Medication Support
- Regional Consumer Specialists
- Aiding Recovering Moms
- Substance use disorder evaluations
- Day Support
- Crisis Response
Contracted Services
Acute/Secure Sub-Acute Inpatient Care
Great Plains Health, North Platte
(308) 568-8000
Emergency Protective Custody Services
Great Plains Health, North Platte
(308) 568-8000
Substance Use Disorder Short-Term Residential Services
Touchstone Treament Center, Lincoln (402) 474-4343 (men and women)
St. Monica's, Lincoln (402) 441-3768 (women only)
Therapeutic Community
St. Monica's, Lincoln (402) 441-3738 (women only)
Halfway House for Men
Houses of Hope, Lincoln
(402) 435-3165
Dual Diagnosis Residential
CenterPointe, Lincoln
(402) 475-8717
Supported Employment
Goodwill Industries: North Platte, Lexington, McCook & Ogallala
Randa Musil (308) 520-9026
Prevention Coalitions
Community Connections
(308) 696-3355
Intensive Outpatient Services, Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder
Assessments, Outpatient Mental Health.
Adult/Youth Services, Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Adult/Youth
Services, Peer Support Mental Health &
Substance Use Disorder Services
Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska
(308) 532 0587
Youth Family Support
Boys Town, North Platte
Family Skill Building, North Platte
For access to these services, please contact Sarah White, Youth Systems Coordinator, at (308) 350-0678.
Youth Mental Health Respite
Nebraska Youth Center, North Platte
For access to these services, please contact Sarah White, Youth Systems Coordinator, at (308) 350-0678
Person Centered Care
Our clients and our communities are at the center of all the work that we do. Our person and family-centered philosophy guides us in our work. Each person we serve is respected for his/her strengths. By centering on each individual’s needs, we can develop the best possible treatment/recovery plan. We endeavor to hire individuals who can live this philosophy and we invite clients in each program to give us feedback on their experience with us. All contracted and provided services are available on a sliding fee scale. No one will be denied services due to inability to pay; there is a discounted/sliding fee scale available.
Trauma-Informed Care
Trauma-Informed Care is a commitment to trauma awareness and an understanding of how trauma impacts the life of an individual seeking or referred to services. Trauma-Informed Care seeks to recognize the widespread impact of trauma and understand paths for recovery, recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma in clients, families and staff, integrate knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures and practices and actively avoid re-traumatization. All staff at Region II are trained in Trauma-Informed Care and we regularly assess our practices and physical spaces to insure that we are providing care in line with the most current practices. Anyone visiting our buildings and/or working with our providers can rest assured that your physical and emotional safety is of paramount importance to our entire team.
Region II Grounding Assistance Phone Lines
Grounding using a simple set of strategies to help relieve stress or to help you be in the present. Grounding works by focusing outward on the external world rather than inward toward the self. You can also think of it as “distraction”, “centering”, “looking outward”, or “healthy detachment”.
- Grounding Line in English: 308-534-9142
- Grounding Line in Spanish: 308-532-6436